Careers Advice and Guidance
Our aim is to ensure that all scholars move successfully into education, employment or further training. All scholars will have one-to-one scheduled meetings with a qualified careers advisor at key decision points, but anyone can request meetings at other times if they need support.
Our qualified careers adviser works on site 2 days a week. She can help scholars make realistic choices about education and training by providing the right information, advice and guidance and help them understand how their interests and strengths fit into the world of education and employment.
She is also able to support in careers related events like enrichment days, mock interviews and PD lessons related to careers.
Please contact Ms Olivera – to arrange an appointment.
Post 16 Pathways
At Ernulf we want to make sure all of our scholars have to opportunity to progress and have a successful transition into their chosen post 16 learning.
We encourage them to make sure that they have researched a variety of options available to them, make informed decisions about which courses they wish to take and make realistic choices based on their options
What are the main options after GCSEs?
A few years ago, the government raised the participation age to 18. This meant that all young people under the age of 18 had to stay in learning or work with training until the end of the year that you turn 18.
They cannot go into full-time work without proper training and qualifications.
With this in place here are the following options available for our young people when they leave the academy:
- Full-time study in a school, college or with a training provider;
- Full-time work or volunteering (20 hours or more) combined with part-time education or training leading to relevant regulated qualifications
- An apprenticeship, traineeship or supported internship.
Below are some pages and videos which provide more guidance on each option.
BBC – Apprenticeship Myths
BBC – How do you get an Apprenticeship?
Full time study (A-Levels, T-Levels and BTECs):
Cambridgeshire Regional College
BBC – What are A-Levels like?
BBC – BTEC and T-Level Changes
What are T-Levels?
Introduction to Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Morrisby – Online Careers Library and Platform
All students will have access to Morrisby. This is a new platform that Ernulf Academy are using to bring all the available information into one single, impartial, user-friendly platform. Staff members are able to record activities that are linked to the personal development of the scholar. These will be displayed individual scholars profile. This could be through form time, PD and other subject lessons, college and university visits, employer talks and much more!
All career-related topics will be securely stored for Key Stage 4, when your child will create a CV and Personal Statement in readiness for first job interviews and applications for various post-16/18 pathways. There are also direct links to training provider, apprenticeship, college, Sixth Form and university sites which help students make choices right for them.
The Aspirations Questionnaire is something that we would recommend scholars take from Year 9 (although we would encourage Year 7 and 8 scholars to take advantage of the information resources on Morrisby). They are able to gain a lot of data from this questionnaire. Initially scholars will be given feedback on their answers as a summary of their interests and opportunities both as a graph and a written format.
The world of work chart shows what categories fit the scholar best based on what they have selected. They can click on the options to find out more about each section. Further to this there will be suggested careers and subjects for the scholar to explore in more detail. This part of the interactive platform provides scholars with information about which subjects are required for specific careers, available courses and links to relevant websites.
Whether your child knows which pathway they would like to follow or not, the interactive questionnaire will help them make informed decisions about their future career.
Your child will be introduced to Morrisby within their PD lessons, and details of how they can do this will also be shared with you in order to support their research at home.
Please explore the links below to find out more about this online careers resource.
Introduction to Morrisby
How to log in
Why the platform helps
How does the aspirations quiz work?
Post 16 Applications – MyChoice16
Year 11 scholars applying to post-16 providers within Cambridgeshire will use MyChoice16 to search for and apply for their chosen post 16 courses.
Scholars will receive log in details through their school email.
From there they can create and edit their profile. There is a booklet which guides students through the complete application process which can be found below.
In the Autumn term students will be able to use the site to search for providers and favourite the courses they are interested in during PD lessons. They will also be able to use this time in computer rooms to perfect their personal statement. There is a writing frame and guidance attached below.
After the Mock Results Evening, predicted grades and references will be uploaded by academy staff. Deadlines should be checked carefully as applications received after the date may not be considered. Throughout the process a member of staff will check all applications before they are sent to providers, scholars may be required to discuss options before they are sent off to providers.
Not all providers use the site to receive applications (for example sixth forms and colleges outside the Cambridgeshire area), therefore students need to follow the application procedure put in place by the provider.
If you have any questions please speak to your form tutor, a member of the Year 11 team, Ms Davies, Ms Payne or Ms Olivera
Further help:
Where to log in
Help with logging in
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
What is an apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is paid job which allows you to develop your knowledge and understanding through hands on training. You can gain nationally recognised qualification throughout this process.
Apprenticeships usually take between one and five years to complete, but there are many to choose from. There are over 170 different industries that offer course from construction to digital design. There is a course for everyone.
Apprenticeship levels
There are various levels of apprenticeship you could apply for depending on your current skills and qualifications.
What are the benefits of doing an apprenticeship?
- You can start earning a salary straight away
- You train ins practice skills relevant to your chosen job
- Flexibility to progress quickly within your chosen job
- Increased future earning potential
What do you need to do to get started?
Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16 living in England. There are different entry requirements depending on the sector and job. You need to research apprenticeships through some of the relevant website below.
Search for apprenticeships:
The following websites have search tools to help you find apprenticeships that suit you:
Amazing Apprenticeships
Not Going to Uni
Not quite ready for an apprenticeship or job? Try a Traineeship.
You could try a traineeship with a local employer to gain valuable work experience and the opportunity to improve their English and mathematics, if needed.
Traineeships are a common way for young people to gain practical work experience before entering the workforce. Employers can offer traineeships and work with training providers to design the program.
What is a Traineeship?
Goal: Traineeships are designed to help young people find a job or apprenticeship, or progress to further education.
Length: Traineeships can last from six weeks to one year, but usually last less than six months.
Work experience: Traineeships include a work experience placement of at least 70 hours.
Skils: Traineeships help improve employability skills, English, and math. They can also include functional skills, such as CV writing, interview skills, and job searching.
Outcomes: Traineeships are considered successful when a trainee progresses to an apprenticeship, sustained employment, or further learning.
Useful websites for traineeships:
Work Experience (WEX)
Work experience is a crucial part of the CEIAG programme at Ernulf Academy.
In the summer term of year 10, all scholars will be required to undertake a work experience placement in a workplace of their choice. These work experience placements are a great opportunity for students to work with local employers; gain independence and confidence; meet new people; develop their teamwork and communication skills; and, most importantly, give scholars a taste of what the world of work is really like.
Work experience is designed to assist scholars in the process of making informed decisions in year 11 about where they wish to continue their post-16 education.
We will begin thinking about work experience at the beginning of Year 10 to provide the most time for scholars to find their own placement. There are many events to help to help scholars prepare to apply for their work experience placements. Please see the timetable below for further details.
Scholars are able to source their own work experience placement or choose from a selection of placements available to them on the work experience database which can be found at Learn About Work.
Scholars will be given their usernames and pins to login to the database by their form tutors after the initial introductory assembly. Although there are a range of placement available on the database, we strongly encourage scholars to seek their own placement to increase the chances of them securing a placement in an industry they have a real interest in.
Please see the timeline, here: Work Experience.
If you have any queries regarding the work experience process please do not hesitate to get in touch either via email to
Useful Websites and Policies
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
Success at Schools
CareersBox Apprenticeships Education Information Find a Job
Interactive Apprenticeship Guide
Apprenticeship Webinars and Workshops
National Careers Service
Jobs Search
Industry Cadets
Latitude Adventures
Gap Years