School Alerts

CEIAG Information for Teachers

Careers Champions

At Ernulf we have a team of volunteers who help to support scholars in their subject. They help develop the careers opportunity in their subjects and use their expertise to promote subject specific careers.

For subject specific careers options please see BBC Bitesize page:

· Click here for a specific industry.
· Click here for careers in a specific subject.

If you wish to get in contact with a subject Careers Champion, please see the mailing list below.

Maths: Mr Akinyele (
English: Ms King (
Science: Ms Rafferty (
History: Miss Davies (Emma.davies@astreaernulforg)
Geography: Mr Sterland (
RE: Ms Payne (
PE: Mr Hemming (
Languages: TBC
Arts: Ms Slaughter (
Technology: Mr Engelbrecht (

Careers Advice and Guidance

Our aim is to ensure that all scholars move successfully into education, employment or further training. All scholars will have one-to-one scheduled meetings with a qualified careers advisor at key decision points, but anyone can request meetings at other times if they need support.

Our qualified careers adviser works on site 2 days a week. She can help scholars make realistic choices about education and training by providing the right information, advice and guidance and help them understand how their interests and strengths fit into the world of education and employment.

She is also able to support in careers related events like enrichment days, mock interviews and PD lessons related to careers.

Please contact Ms Olivera – to arrange an appointment.

Careers Education CPD


In 2014, Lord Sainsbury’s Gatsby Charitable Foundation published a report by Professor Sir John Holman entitled “Good Career Guidance.” The report identified eight benchmarks that are the core dimensions of good careers provision in schools.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are embedded in our careers programme and by meeting and exceeding these students at St Peter’s receive outstanding careers education, as evidenced by the Quality in Careers Standard, which has been awarded to the school since 2010.

Visit the Gatsby website for more information.


Compass is a free tool for schools and colleges in England, that quickly and easily helps you to evaluate your careers activity against the eight benchmarks of best practice – known as the Gatsby Benchmarks.

The tool was built in partnership with the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, to help you easily discover your strengths and find areas for improvement. Once completed, the tool will provide you with a confidential report and resources to help you achieve each benchmark.


In England and Wales, there are 9 qualification levels. Please see the table below to see each category. These show different qualifications and ones that are equivalent to them in different areas.

Please find a more comprehensive list here.

Level 1:
GCSE – grades 3, 2, 1 or grades D, E, F, G
Level 1 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ
music grades 1, 2 and 3

Level 2:
GCSE – grades 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 or grades A*, A, B, C
Intermediate Apprenticeship
Level 2 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ
music grades 4 and 5
O-Level – grade A, B or C

Level 3:
Advanced Apprenticeship
International Baccalaureate Diploma
Level 3 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ
music grades 6, 7 and 8

Level 4:
Higher Apprenticeship
Level 4 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ

Level 5:
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)
Foundation Degree
Level 5 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ

Level 6:
Degree Apprenticeship
Degree with honours – for example bachelor of the arts (BA) hons, bachelor of science (BSc) hons
Graduate Diploma
Ordinary degree without honours
Level 6 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ

Level 7:
Master’s Degree, for example Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc)
Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma
Level 7 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma / NVQ

Level 8:
Doctorate, for example Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil)
Level 8 Award / Certificate (ELC) / Diploma

Careers and Enterprise Company

The CEC are the national body for careers education. They support schools and colleges in careers education. At Ernulf we have an Enterprise coordinator who helps to plan and mange careers related events. They also organise Enterprise advisors, who are local businesses that support the school further with these events.

They work hard with our school to make sure that we are providing the best careers education available. They help by providing online training course and networking meetings.

If you wish to see any of the courses that are available or wish to be on the mailing list for the weekly careers’ newsletter, please speak to Ms E Davies.

Online courses available are:

  • Careers Leaders: Induction
  • Careers Leaders: Parental Engagement
  • All practitioners: Compass+
  • Education Leaders: Introduction to careers
  • Careers Leaders and EC’s: Future Skills Questionnaire
  • ITPs: Introduction to Careers Leadership for Training Providers
  • Governors: Introduction to careers
  • Teachers: Understanding Career Pathways
  • Teachers: Careers in the Curriculum Awareness
  • SENCO: Understanding Pathways and Career Opportunities
  • Wider Education Workforce: Careers Conversations

Careers Development Institute

The CDI is a professional body that helps to develop understanding around careers education. Their framework helps with the planning of the careers programme at Ernulf Academy. There is a host of research and training available through this provider.

Skillsbuilder Partnership

Skillsbuilder Partnership is a global movement of employers, educators, and impact organisations working together to ensure that one day, everyone builds the essential skills to succeed.

At Ernulf we are committed to promoting these skills. We are currently enrolled in the accredit scheme, where we are receiving training on how to use the skills builder partnership effectively.

There are resources available for staff to deliver the skills more effectively here.

If you wish to get access through the school, please contact Ms Davies who will give you your log in details.

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