School Alerts

KS4 English

English Language

All students will be working towards the AQA GCSE English or English Language award. You will continue to work on improving your technical and communication skills across the syllabus. The course will involve looking closely at both your and others’ use of language in different styles of writing and exploring a wide range of texts. You will be encouraged to engage in a wide range of reading from the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. Speaking and listening is still a compulsory component, in the form of spoken language, but will be awarded separately from the GCSE.

Paper One: Explorations in creative reading and writing (50% of final grade: 1 hour 45mins)

Section A: Analysis of one unseen fiction text to establish the writer’s intentions and techniques: 4 questions

Section B: Creative writing inspired by the topic in section A: choice of 2 questions

Paper Two: Writers viewpoints and perspectives (50% of final grade1 hour 45mins)

Section A: Analysis and comparison of two unseen texts (one fiction, one non-fiction): 4 questions

Section B: Producing a written text to a set genre, audience and purpose: 1 set question


English Literature

In addition to English Language, all GCSE students will also embark upon the study of English Literature in Year 10. You will study a range of texts including a 19th Century text, a play by Shakespeare and a range of poetry, giving you an insight into some of the skills required at AS and A Level. Your creative ability will be developed through reading and writing and you will be encouraged to engage in wider reading in order to inspire you further.

Paper One (40% of final grade: 1 hour 45mins)

Section A: Shakespeare play (analysis of a provided extract and making links to whole text)

Section B: 19th Century novel (analysis of a provided extract and making links to whole text)

Paper Two (60% of final grade: 2 hours 15mins)

Section A: Modern Text (analysis of a provided extract and making links to whole text)

Section B: Poetry Anthology (analysis of a specified poem and making links to another poem from the anthology)

Section C: Unseen Poetry (analysis and comparison of two unseen poems)

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