School Alerts

KS3 – Music

Subject Intent

We want our students to experience a broad selection of musical genres, through the key musical skills as represented as a common thread through KS3 and KS4– Performance, Composition, and Appraisal. Students should be thoroughly engaged and self-motivated learners, developing their confidence in performance in front of peers. Students should be inquisitive learners and educational discussions as well as peer to peer learning should be commonplace in each topic. Each student should feel comfortable in self-expression and develop the courage to share their ideas and performances.

KS3 Subject Narrative

Our KS3 curriculum is topic based. The key exams skills of appraisal, performing, and composing are built into each topic. Pupils are assessed regularly in these key skills – which are valued equally. Key musical language is introduced in years 7-9, to prepare for KS4.

Year 7 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 7 Music
Year 8 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 8 Music
Year 9 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 9 Music

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