School Alerts

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)


At Ernulf Academy, we believe that it is important for our scholars to be educated about the variety of different options and pathways that are available to them when they leave school. In order to achieve this, we work closely with contacts in the world of work, further education and apprenticeship providers to offer our scholars a range of opportunities to inform their decisions about their future.

We hope that we provide scholars with the opportunity to develop skills, attitudes and abilities that will be of value to them in whichever pathway they may choose. Our careers programme, attached below, is designed to cater for the individual needs of each scholar, and the careers and education guidance that we provide comes in many forms. This guidance is delivered through our Personal Development lessons, Careers “drop down” days, assemblies and external trips.  In Key Stage 3, scholars have opportunities to meet with different employers from local businesses to develop a greater understanding of the world of work that is available to them, taking part in activities such as “Dragon’s Den” and the “Ducks” Enrichment day.

As our scholars move into Key Stage 4, they also have the opportunity to meet various employers, complete a week of work experience, visit possible further education options such as Cambridge Regional College and receive guidance interviews to support their post-16 applications.

Scholars in year 11 will receive further advice and guidance on all the pathways available to them. These include; A-levels, vocational courses, T-levels and apprenticeships. Throughout the year students are allocated a time slot for a 1-2-1 careers advice and guidance interview with the Careers Lead to help them decide on their post-16 pathway and provide information on how application processes for different providers’ work.  Scholars are also given plenty of opportunities to research their options for themselves and the year 11 tutor team work closely with their tutees to offer extra advice and guidance where needed.

Morrisby Digital Careers Platform/Library

As part of our Careers Education Programme , we are delighted to be able to offer our students access to a digital Careers platform/library called Morrisby.

Morrisby is a place where students can record their personal and academic achievements and we would actively encourage this. It’s also a place where the school Careers Leader will record everything which contributes to a student’s Careers curriculum.  This could be through form time, PD and other subject lessons, college and university visits, employer talks and much more!

All career-related topics will be securely stored for Key Stage 4, when your child will create a CV and Personal Statement in readiness for first job interviews and applications for various post-16/18 pathways. This includes direct links to training provider, apprenticeship, college, 6th form and university sites.

The Aspirations Questionnaire is something that we would recommend scholars take from Year 9 (although we would encourage Year 7 and 8 scholars to take advantage of the information resources on Morrisby). This part of the interactive platform provides scholars with information about which subjects are required for specific careers, available courses and links to relevant websites. Whether your child knows which pathway they would like to follow or not, the interactive questionnaire will help them make informed decisions about their future career.  Your child will be introduced to Morrisby within their PD lessons, and details of how they can do this will also be shared with you in order to support their research at home.

If you have any questions about the careers and education, information, advice and guidance at Ernulf Academy please email

Careers Programme
Work experience
Gatsby Benchmark Report
Open Days

Work Experience  

Work experience is a crucial part of the CEIAG programme at Ernulf Academy. In the summer term of year 10, all scholars will be required to undertake a work experience placement in a workplace of their choice. These work experience placements are a great opportunity for students to work with local employers; gain independence and confidence; meet new people; develop their teamwork and communication skills; and, most importantly, give scholars a taste of what the world of work is really like. Work experience is designed to assist scholars in the process of making informed decisions in year 11 about where they wish to continue their post-16 education.

In the lead up to work experience, there are many events to help to help scholars prepare to apply for their work experience placements. These events start with an assembly to introduce the aims of work experience and how scholars begin the process of finding a placement. After this, families are invited to attend a work experience evening in which details about how the process works are explained and deadlines for the completion of work experience selections are announced. The date for this evening can be found on the careers calendar and will be shared to year 10 families directly.

Scholars are able to source their own work experience placement or choose from a selection of placements available to them on the work experience database which can be found at Scholars will be given their usernames and pins to login to the database by their form tutors after the initial introductory assembly. Although there are a range of placement available on the database, we strongly encourage scholars to seek their own placement to increase the chances of them securing a placement in an industry they have a real interest in.

If you have any queries regarding the work experience process please do not hesitate to get in touch either via email  to

Useful Websites

Please find below a list of useful websites and resources which will help you to support your child’s careers  decisions.

Impartial careers guidance for young people

National apprenticeships website  – This website has details of all apprenticeships nationwide
Careers Box
Start Profile – A free gamified careers website helping young people discover pathways to employment
National Careers Service –  or 0800 100 900

Guidance for parents  A website for parents and carers designed by an experienced, independent career development professional. A website for parents and carers.  The contributors to this website are experienced professionals in the field of careers guidance.

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