At Ernulf Academy, we pride ourselves on our efforts to support our scholars’ to develop into kind, responsible, respectful young people. Both through the taught curriculum and the wider experiences we offer to our scholars, we seek to develop their character and attributes to prepare them to make a positive contribution to the world around them.
Ernulf Academy is a proud recipient of the Optimus Excellence in Pupil Development Award 2024-2027.
The Careers Programme
At Ernulf Academy, we believe that it is important for our students to be exposed to and educated about the variety of different options and pathways that are available to them when they leave school. You can learn more about our careers education, information, advice and guidance here.
- Information on Post 16 Open Days
- We provide pupils with Labour Market Information, which can be used to make decisions about education, employment or training. Such information includes: Skills, career pathways and progression routes; Job applications and interviews; Further and higher educational institutions; Employment sectors, employers, jobs, salaries and employment trends; Jobs, training and apprenticeships; Job demands and working life and Financial planning.
- Please find here some useful links we have put together which may be useful for parents/carers and scholars when considering careers.
- Careers curriculum – Links to All of our scholars receive a Careers entitlement on top of that taught within the PSHCE curriculum (KS3 and KS4). You can view this entitlement here.
- Post 16 pathways information can be found here.
- Morrisby is used, alongside our digital Careers Library. You can learn more about Morrisby here.
- MyChoice16 is used for post-16 applications.
- Please find information on apprenticeships and traineeships here.
Enrichment Days
Ernulf Academy runs regular Enrichment Days to give our scholars experiences beyond the classroom, to develop their character and broaden their social capital. Enrichment Days take place at least termly, either as a school trip or school-based activity.
Our 2024-2025 Enrichment Day programme is as follows:
Autumn Term 1
Year 7 Kempston Canoe Trail
Year 8 RAF Museum London
Year 9 Kenilworth Castle
Year 10 Careers Fayre and Work Experience Preparation
Year 11 Careers Fayre and post-16 applications
Autumn Term 2
Year 7 Culture Day
Year 8 Dragon's Den
Year 9 University Visits (Bedford and Cambridge)
Year 10 British Museum
Year 11 National Gallery
The Electives Programme
An Elective is a school club which takes place during the school day. Electives were introduced in response to scholar feedback that lunch time and after school clubs can be difficult for them to attend due to the lack of time or the challenge of getting home after school. This is particularly important for our Pupil Premium scholars who may lack transport to get them home and for whom accessing the school lunch is a priority. Electives take place on a Wednesday period 5. Scholars opt for one elective per term to offer them a range of enriching activities.
Year 7 & 8:
- Chess
- Green Flag Award
- Amigurumi
- Dance
- Indoor Girls Cricket
- Winter Showcase
- Showcase Art Exhibition
- Boys Sports Fitness
- Science Club
- Hydraulic Robot Arm
- Psychology
- British Sign Language
Year 9:
- Ghost Stories
- Girls Fitness
- Boys Flag Football
- Spanish
- Politics
- Art
Clubs Timetable
On top of our Electives programme which ensures all scholars in Key Stage 3 participate in a club, we run a half termly clubs programme across mornings, lunch time and after school. The programme for this changes half-termly. See the latest schedule here.
Student Leadership
Our student leadership groups exist to lead and develop important areas of school life. They are an integral part of shaping our school community and representing the views and wishes of the scholars.
- The Senior Prefect Team:
The Senior Prefect team consists of year 11 scholars, who are the face of the school. They speak at open evening, conduct tours for visitors, meet important visitors and represent our school within the wider community.
- Year 10 Prefects:
The Year 10 Prefect Team support the safety and positivity of the school environment. All Prefects are allocated a duty spot to ensure that younger scholars have a visible point of contact.
- The Student Council:
The Student Council exist to represent the views and interest of the Academy scholars. The Council gathers scholar feedback on life at the Academy, organises fundraising events, and meets with external stakeholders such as the Town and County Council to share the views of young people in the area with our local representatives.
- The Respect Ambassadors:
The Respect Ambassadors exist to support the Respect Campaign. They are the eyes and ears on the ground to raise issues and concerns and suggest areas for future education, workshops and initiatives to make sure our Academy is a safe place for everyone. They regularly update the Academy Awareness calendar to help organise events which support and celebrate the British Values and the Protected Characteristics.
- The Eco-Committee:
The Eco-Committee form part of the Astrea Go Green Campaign. All Astrea Academy Trust Academy's have signed up to the "Let's Go Zero" campaign and have pledged to achieve zero carbon by 2030. The Eco-Committee support this pledge. They lead on suggesting and implementing ideas for making our school more sustainable, such as organising recycling, litter picking and greening the school environment.
The Go Green Campaign
Astrea Go Green is our campaign to make sure that all of our academies reach net zero by 2030. The campaign is led by Mr Chambers, and the school Eco-Lead is Ms Payne.
The Go Green Campaign is supported by the Eco-Committee who lead on a number of activities to improve our school environment.
These include:
- Writing a Climate Change Action Plan to prioritise our work in school
- Daily litter picking
- Making posters and signs to remind people to turn off lights and projectors
- Auditing our bins to see where more bins are needed
- Encouraging recycling
- Working with our Operations Team to monitor energy usage
- Visiting the Waterbeach waste recycling plant to learn more about plastic recycling
- Visiting the Houses of Parliament to speak to MP’s about how we can tackle climate control in school
- Running the Walk and Wheel event to encourage more people to walk, cycle or scoot to school.