School Alerts

Internet Safety for parents

This page is for parents to use as a reference point for e-Safety resources. It has links to other resources and practical advice. If you have any queries or concerns you can email

What is e-Safety?

e-Safety stands for electronic safety, it is not just about keeping safe on the internet but also keeping safe on all electronic devices such as mobile phones and other communication devices including television..

e-Safety is primarily about raising awareness of potential threats when children are on-line or using mobile technologies.  This includes:

  • knowing what students can and cannot (legally) do when you are online;
  • how to protect themselves from some of the risks associated with the internet and mobile technologies;
  • raising students’ awareness of how inappropriate use of the internet or mobile technology could affect their future opportunities (this is called the digital footprint).

e-Safety covers ‘all fixed and mobile technologies that children and young people may encounter, now and in the future, which allow them access to content and communications that could raise issues or pose risks to their wellbeing and safety’.

What do do if you are concerned about your child and e-Safety

In the first instance if you have a general concern, please contact reception and your enquiry will be directed to the most appropriate person who can advise or help you.

Click on the below links for more information:

Digital footprints

Technology In School Information

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