School Alerts

KS4 – Music

Subject Intent

Students should feel passionate about Music and cultivate a strong sense of ownership of their musical education. Our curriculum builds upon the three key skills of Appraisal, Composition, and Performance. Students should be able to verbalise and demonstrate a deep musical understanding as well as theoretically analyse pieces of music. In addition, students should be able to write and perform their own pieces of music.

KS4 Subject Narrative

Students will undertake three components of work during the two-year course – Appraisal, Composition, and Performance. Through Appraisal work, students learn the theoretical concepts of music, including notation at a deeper level than that of Key Stage 3. They will also expand their musical horizons, learning from other composers and styles. Through composition, students complete two pieces of entirely self-written music. One of these is a free composition, which can be written in any style, and the other is to a brief. Only one is completed in Year 10. Through performance, students are able to rehearse and improve upon their chosen instrument (or voice), and also learn key performance and self-management skills.

Year 10 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 10 Music
Year 11 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 11 Music

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