School Alerts

KS4 – Enterprise

Subject Intent

We want our students to be passionate about Enterprise and have the opportunity to develop and cultivate a creative flair which will provide future career opportunities. Our curriculum improves student’s communication skills, literacy and allows them to meet local entrepreneurs and learn from the very best. Students will be confident in a wide range of skills, including understanding cash flow, budgeting and be able to plan, pitch and evaluate their own enterprise idea.

KS4 Subject Narrative

Students will take three components of work during the two-year course, which includes both controlled assessments and exams. Students will have the chance to run their own business, and participate in the Tenner Challenge, which is a Nationally recognised competition. As part of the exploring enterprises component, students will have the opportunity to meet successful entrepreneurs, and develop an appreciation for what it takes to run a successful business.

Year 10 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 10 Enterprise
Year 11 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 11 Enterprise

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