School Alerts

Teacher Training


Teacher Training at Ernulf Academy

At Ernulf Academy we offer teacher training placements in a wide range of subjects in partnership with a number of training providers.

One of our school’s biggest assets is our experienced and supportive staff. Our trainee teachers have dedicated pastoral and subject mentors as well as weekly professional studies sessions on a wide range of topics. Our mentors are generous with their time and expertise, and our trainees make a significant contribution to the school. Many of our trainees are successful in transitioning to NQTs with us. Teacher trainees contribute to our whole school development by promoting new approaches, and encouraging us reflect on our own practice. We welcome their ideas and their passion for their chosen subjects.

We work with the following initial teacher training providers:

University-led training where we offer placements to trainees on PGCE courses in a range of subjects.

The University of Bedfordshire


School-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) courses are school-based practical training, underpinned by educational studies on one day a week, leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Trainees spend four days a week in the Academy, teaching lessons and observing teaching within and beyond their subject specialism. We offer routes into teaching in conjunction with The Cambridge Partnership and CTSN .

The Cambridge Partnership –

CTSN (Cambridge Teaching Schools Network) –

If you are interested in finding out about routes into teaching, please investigate the above links. You can also contact Assistant Principal James Murphy ( if you want to know more about teacher training at Ernulf Academy.

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