School Alerts

KS3 – Art

Subject Intent

We want our students to be creative, observant and be able to communicate visually about the world around them. Our curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Our curriculum improves a pupil’s proficiency with a range of art materials, enables them to think critically, and provides an insight into and an appreciation of a range of artists, designers and cultures. Through art, pupils will also learn discussion skills, how to express their opinion respectfully, to persevere, independent working and team skills, understanding of other cultures and the world in which we live. Pupils will be confident in the key skills of exploring, researching, analysing, experimenting, designing and creating. These key exam skills are embedded in all that we do in preparation for year 11 and beyond.

KS3 Subject Narrative

Our KS3 curriculum is project based. The key skills of using art mediums, researching and analysing artists and cultures, developing ideas and producing final outcomes are built into each project. Pupils are assessed half termly in these key skills – which are valued equally (to mirror KS4). Key words and visual literacy are introduced throughout each SOL so that by the end of KS3 students have the analytical skills to write about their own and others artwork at KS4.


Year 7 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 7 art
Year 8 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 8 art
Year 9 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 9 art

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