School Alerts

KS4 – Drama

Subject Intent

We aim to support students during their transition into confident, creative, independent young people, equipped with the transferable skills they need to support them throughout their lives. Lessons are taught through a variety of mediums such as performance, movement, technology and writing, with plenty of time to reflect on themselves, as individuals, and the work they produce. Lessons are supplemented with a varied selection of extra-curricular activities such as the chance to be involved in the production or to watch a play in the theatre.

KS4 Subject Narrative

The knowledge of creating, performing and evaluating gained at KS3 is explored in further depth at KS4. As the course progresses students become independent, resilient performers who are able to self-evaluate and produce polished performances. We study a wide variety of performance material to ensure students have a strong knowledge base to be able to make contextual, justifiable creative choices.

Year 10 – Curriculum map under construction
Year 11 – Please click here to view the curriculum map for year 11 Drama

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